Tuesday, August 14, 2007

morning journal

Thank you Lord for a new day. Thank you for meeting me early in the morning and for the time to meditate on your word last night in the car. May your words live in me and may they be continually on my tongue. Renew my mind...so I might know your will (Rom. 12) Teach me your truth. May my deepest motivations be made clear and surrendered to you. May all that I am and all that I do be for your utmost glory. Lord, show me your calling on my life and help me not to miss out on what is directly in front of me.

Prepare me/my heart for England. Open up the doors for what you want to do in my life.
Help me to seek 1st your kingdom / righteousness.

Pour out your spirit on Maggie and Anna today, Lord. Show them more of yourself. May they grow closer to you today. Guide and direct their paths. Give us compassion for the lost. Thank you for renewing my compassion/leadership desire/inspiration...Lord, lead me if I am to start a Bible Study at work or go to Amsterdam full time after school.

May I only walk in your peace and calling for my life. Reign in me today, Jesus.

Draw Mom and Dad closer to you and to each other.

Help me to serve others. How can I help them spiritually / life / business? - needs to be my thought when I meet them.

How can I mentor others - Jeremy, Sm. Gp: Curtis, Eric~ ...



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