Sunday, October 15, 2006

Reason Applications

Make tracks for:
-rapping over (freestyle)
-Vineyard videos and announcements

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Back to Reality

These thoughts are all well and good but...

I need to "put 1st things 1st" and "begin with the end in mind" - by looking at where I want to go.. Playing the drums in collaboration with others. -
So, let's begin some serious practice/study of other cultures on the drums.
Let's get really good at Reason and Ableton via drumming.
Working directly on piano chops (secondarily) to drums is also key.
But keep exploration based around the drums and its applications for now!

As I plan my next two years schedule, keep this at the forefront

Learn as much about MUSIC as I can while I'm immersed in the different classes:
Gospel Choir: get the scores (or Raymond's keyboard books) (and play/study them!!)
Music History: get the scores and listen
Jazz Band: - get the scores
World Music - listen/transcribe~ and read - explore.
Improv: transcribe real music, learn two hands, chording


Film Music Journal Notes...

Telling the story...with color and depth:
-style of the music in line with time/setting of the film (unless dramatic problem that supercedes time)
-Practice analyzing/writing in different styles - folk, jazz, 12 tone, classical, pop, gospel... (use different composers in each style)
---try writing 16-20 bar themes of melody/accompaniment in different styles based on a particular composer

Maintaining unity: (within score and in each cue)
- know where you are going (beg. mid. end)
-due the longest cue first/ start at the end
-prepare audience for what is to come
-theme and variations: expansion, developmental techniques, contraction, change times signature, maintain harmonic unity.

Study keyboard harmony/orchestration/counterpoint

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The Journal of Film Music

Last night at small group, I was playing the drums (tapping) to the Ashley's testimony. It was like composing the music for film - except straight through...

Today, I am reading this journal about it...and develping piano improv chops and ears.

Tomorrow, I'll be.... studying scores, practicing chording (of songs of course), developing skills (based around projects) in Reason and Sibelius, and writing music in collaboration for others films/projects. In the near tomorrow, I can start with making drum tracks for videos (ie. for Vineyard announcements) in Reason/Ableton.

The beauty/power of music and all art lies in its ability to convey/enhance paricular emotions for different circumstances. Studying other forms of art (dance, visual, literature, cooking, etc...) can enhance/build depth into my own form. Also studying many style periods of music will help this too!
Keeping this in mind every time I begin to practice/play/write/arrange will make the music move beyond technical notes; it will come to life and bring about change for me and for the audience.

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