Sunday, March 11, 2007

Music / Dance / Service Collaboration

Invisible Children Music and Dance COllaboration at the EMMA Lab @ OSU's ACCAD:
Goal: To raise funding and awareness for this crisis in Africa through a collaborative music and dance effort that portrays the current situation in Uganda.

Scalable Concepts: Choreographed and improvised music and dance centers that around African music- Hip Hop, Jazz, Traditional African etc..

Music Technical: Use of 5.1 surround sound for bullet-like effects, electronic and acoustic percussion combined, orignal compostitions

Dance Technical: Interraction with music/musicians with original choreography etc...

Setup: patrons in center with dancers around them - symbolizing how the children invade the city at night.

Plot: like

Turn into a production (that tours)


Job transitions

Job Transitions (Columbus Percussion):
-Solidify work/market before leaving old job...always helps. Or, slowly lessen hours at one job while building other job/business.

New Job:
-Know what you want to LEARN
-Size of company
-Quality of people - esp. mentors/culture of development?

- research B4!

CAJ Lessons:
-Partners are key - both inside and outside the organization. Choose wisely...from the start.
-Research potential market, how potential product meets the need...B4 moving out in full force.
-Make business plan (w. financial figures!) BEFORE starting! Abandon idea if not satisfactory.
-Cash flow and leverage = key.



Sabbath...a day of rest and exploration and reflection and being still before the Lord- messy

Service (helping) to others - build God's kingdom on earth. love my neighbors practically. Use music to serve kids. Innovative Worship for kids/small group at Vineyard. Partner with other artists. Maybe start this summer with kids-messy

Arts - where depth is dug. where life is truly hashed out. - messy

Internet - where life is going. So fresh and organic. -messy.

Relationships - surrounded by people who think differently ... ping..sharpen - messy

Direction - which way to go? with whom? How do I choose who to help? I am called to love my enemy. Love is never self-seeking or is it win-win? So, how do I justify connecting with the intent of sales / furthering my pursuits while helping them? AHHH. where to turn. Give me direction, Lord. I want to honor You and love others.
